Friday, May 11, 2007

Lets ask Grandpa if we should have a baby!

That was a line from the spring play You Cant Take It With You. I really enjoyed it and im glad that others i have talked to liked it as well. There was not a packed house, but about 85 percent of the seats were filled and thats pretty good! Id rather be performing for a smaller group of people who really want to be there that a whole lot of people who couldent give a care. The audience of restless kickapoo students was surprisingly alot better than I expected. I had expected them to be rowdy and loud but I think deep down they might have been a little excited to see this production. I know that I was. I enjoyed the whole thing and in the end, the whole cast got a standing ovation.


lild7hinascc said...

Wow thats great news and an interesting title. I wasn't able to see it but I wish I could've.

Eliza101 said...

I remember that line!! (probably because i was there!!) Yea i thought that it was really good, but a little bit slow at the beginning. I agree with you. My Fair Lady was not that full but it seems like everyone was talking when the pit was playing and i just wanted to yell "SHUT UP...please?" but i didn't!!

bumblebee15 said...

That's like my favorite line in the whole play! I liked it a lot. The whole thing was hilarious. My favorite character was the Russian guy. I saw "My Fair Lady" too. And I agree, everyone was talking when the orchestra and band were playing. It was really rude. But both where very good plays over all.