Wednesday, May 23, 2007

make a differance

Lately ive really been seeing alot of things started from that post of reading great books six, and i just wanted to say, dang. Its been an eye opening experience to see some of the blunt things said and to everyone's opinions on it, and i just wanted to mention a quote.

" We must be the change we want to see in the world " --Ghandi

So yea, there it is, make a difference today in someone's life, always try to set the good example and be the bigger person. I really enjoyed the short but sweet post that Phasma posted, they made a good point. Its time that we all took and stand and made the difference.

Today's art is a piece by alex grey, called the vision crystal, i dont really know what it is, but I do know that its a very talented and detailed painting.


Phasma said...

Thanks for the love, brother. Gandhi definitely knows what he's talkin' about... his teachings were so powerful, and are still completely relevant to today's world. I wish that people would just make one effort every day towards integrating the principles of nonviolence into their hearts, minds, and actions. And as to the specific quote you posted, if people want to see peace in the world and within their own communities, they must become peaceful individuals. Nothing positive ever came out of violence, either verbal or physical.

By the way... Vision Crystal is a really trippy work of art.

Peace and Love.

ice skate dreamer said...

We really do need to be the change we want to see in the world. Nothing is going to happen if we just say something and not do anything about it. Just like the saying goes you can talk the talk but can you walk the walk.

notre_dame_bound said...

If only everyone would learn from Gandhi. The world would be much better. I just wish people were inspired by him and everyone lived a peaceful life. I don't think that will happen in a long time though.
That art work is pretty freakin awesome. Alex Grey must be a really talented artist.