Friday, May 4, 2007

Married in Secret.

I'm not all that sure I could marry someone after only knowing them less than 48 hours. (Even if it was an arranged marriage, I couldn't do that.) It seems wrong to me that someone could take that step when you only know them, only saw them, two days prior to that. Since they were married in secret, does that mean that Juliet styed at her own house, or did she move into the Capulet's?


cavalierschick said...

What do you mean move into the Capulets? Juliet is a Capulet . . .so I don't know what you mean by that. She stays at her house and Romeo goes back to where he and is friends had been hanging out earlier in the day, meeting up with Tybalt.

Scarlett_Rose said...

I meant Montegue. I wouldn't think either one of them would be happy not living with their spouse.

cavalierschick said...

I don't doubt that, but the way the story plays out is that Juliet goes back to her house and Romeo goes to meet up with Mercutio an Benvolio who are encountered by Tybalt.

ice skate dreamer said...

I know that I couldn't marry someone and only know them for a day or two. I could never marry in secret either because I have always dreamed of a big wedding and would want too many people to be there.

Lacy Jo said...

I agree I could never ever imagnine getting married to a complete stranger!...

Scarlett_Rose said...

I could not even dream of marrying in secret. I want a huge, beautiful wedding, so for me, a silent wedding is close to a crime.