Friday, May 11, 2007

Mothers, Family, and Wizards.

SUMMER IS JUST AROUND THE CORNOR! Are you guys ready for it? I am. Im not doing anything to exciting. For my birthday I am going with my dad and my 2nd oldest sister to see an Astros game and to see DCI (Drum Corps International) in Columbia. Then I have marching band and I am visting family in Louisiana. I am going to need some books to read. Do you guys have any good bokks you would like to recomend? I have read Wicked and Harry Potter and I think I am done with witches and wizards. Well, I hope you all have a Happy Mothers Day and a good weekend.


SHS21 said...

I dont really have a summer because of Football

Leroy Jenkins said...

Same here. football and baseball... but that sounds like a lot of traveling! I hope you have fun.

Anonymous said...

well im not really sure on what kinds of books you like, but my favorite book so far that I have read would have to be "A Millon Little Peices." By James Frey

cavalierschick said...

I'm going to that show too, but with the rest of the band and drumline. They're trying to get a monster group together to go. I'm excited, despite the cavies not being there. :[

~ima dumb blonde~ said...

Im excited for summer too! my family has a lake house and we go down there alot. some of friends also have cabins so its alot of fun. I cant wait for school to end!

Erin said...

I am kind of dreading summer, because I have to do summer-school for graduation credits.

mellofelloet said...

I am kindof happy that the Cavaliers wont be there. Sorry but they are just not my favorite. Phantom all the way!

lild7hinascc said...

My summer is goin to be boring. I was planning to travel to Vancouver but my parents don't have time. It would be very interesting to see a Marching Band Competition.

Lacy Jo said...

Yea, I have to agree with you, I am ready for summer, but yet im not doing anything really that exciting either :-/. I am not much of a reader so I can not recommend a good book but hope you find one. Hope you have a good weekend and Mother's Day weekend :)

Lacy Jo said...

O my goodness I know same thing wit my mom. She always gets emotional when I give her something. I guess its just a mom thing ha ha.

mellofelloet said...

You should check out a marching band competiotn, they are really neat to see. All of the sounds and music that you hear, its amazing.

Stella_in_color said...

When is the DCI competition? i want to watch it on ESPN 2. I like that show i saw it last year and it was really good. :-)

mellofelloet said...

Well the DCI that comes on ESPN 2 doesnt show until after the event. So I am not sure. If you really wanted to see it, its in Columbia and the tickets are 15 dollars. I think that they are still selling tickets at

Eliza101 said...

This summer me and my mom and dad are going to Florida. I am going to go see my brothers and sister and other family and I haven't been there since I was like 5 so I am pretty excited.