Tuesday, May 1, 2007

My Sisters Keeper Part 2

I finished the book My Sister's Keeper over this past weekend. It was a great book. So this girl Anna hires a lawyer to represent her in a case in which she is suing her parents. I know could you imagine doing that to your parents. Well it is over Anna wanting possesion of her body back. Her parents wanted to have another child to keep their other daughter Kate alive. You see Kate has leukimia and no one else in her family is a match for a donor. Anna was genetically made so that her genes would match Kate's so she could live longer. Anna doesn't think her parents love her because she was not made out of love, but to prevent her parents other child from dying. The ending is the best part. You will never see it coming. I have not read an ending to a book like that in a long time. It catches you totally off guard. The book is made very uniquely too. I loved it. Each chapter is a new person talking. So you get to hear from every characters perspective. It was a really good book. I highly recommend it. So if your stuck in between books I hope this catches your attention. Hope this gives you a good option for a new book to read. Happy reading.


Anonymous said...

It sounds good, i've been wanting to read that book.

mellofelloet said...

I agree with cadinalsfan I have been wanting to read the book for a while now. I just dont have the time.

cavalierschick said...

I absolutely love this book! It's so sad, though. I agree completely with you; it doesn't end the way you're expecting it to at all. I suggest reading it. :]

1dayi'llfly said...

I loved this book! The ending is a total twist. It's really sad, I almost cried. I highly reccomend it 2!