Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Poetry, Shakespeare and Kitties!!

Hey guys!! How has your week been? I personally think that this week has gone by very slowly but then again, its only Tuesday!! I'm sure it will pick up.

This poetry lesson has not really been my thing I guess you could say. I have never really been good at poetry, and probably never will. Oh well, its not for everyone. I am really starting to get into Romeo and Juliet though. I think that it might start to be making a little bit more since we started it. How about you? Are you starting to understand the language a little better? I still find myself looking it up on No Fear Shakespeare. I found the picture of the cats when I was searching for Romeo and Juliet. (I personally think that it is adorable...how about you?) I have been getting so far behind on the reading and the study guide that I do not even know where we are supposed to be.

Well, I hope that your week goes great. Oh, by the way how far are we supposed to be on Romeo and Juliet?


cavalierschick said...

My thoughts are normally not that deep either, but when I was reading through the study guide, that was the first thing that came to my mind.

by the way, those kittens are too cute. :]

Anonymous said...

Surface thinker, I like that! Don't worry I'm one too.

Anonymous said...

Also isn't funny how you type one thing into google images and a whole lot of other things show up (kittens=shakespeare?) Good Post!

Stella_in_color said...

Well Eliza my dear i do believe that we are up to Act 2 Scene 3 with the friar at least. Or maybe its the wedding...Im not sure.

Cute Kittens!!!!!

~ima dumb blonde~ said...

Those kittens are adorable :) ya i have to admit im still using no fear shakespear... its just so much easier to understand.

bumblebee15 said...

I can't tell you how many times I have typed in Romeo and Juliet and got a picture of a dog or cat that has that name. They are pretty cute though.