Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Recasting the Stars

On her blog, Ms. James linked us to a post that talked about recasting Romeo and Juliet. This is who I think should be who:

Romeo: Jake Gylenhaal Juliet: Cameron Diaz Friar Laurence: Michael Caine

Mercutio: James Franco Tybalt: Tobey Maguire Benvolio:

Capulet: Alan Rickman Montague: Gary Oldman Count Paris: Adrien Brody

Nurse: Imelda Staunton Lady Capulet: Debra Messing Lady Montague: Sally Field

That's really all I got. I know some of these actors and actresses aren't very well known, but you can alway look them up on the IMDB. So I think this is something interesting to post about.


Stella_in_color said...

ha ha very good cast list i am fine with it. It needs some Jonny Depp though. ha ha

Erin said...

I thought about Johnny Depp as Mercutio but I decided to go with somebody younger.

Eliza101 said...

yea i really like the jake gyllenhaal but i personally think it needs a little bit orlando bloom then it would be amazing!!

mellofelloet said...

I like your cast alot, but I think that Romeo should be the guy who plays Nick Garret on October Road on ABC.