Sunday, May 13, 2007

Secrets in the Scenes

As you may have noticed, there is a big theme of keeping secrets in Romeo and Juliet. We know that Mr. Montague and Miss Capulet obviously keep their marriage a secret from their families. I know that I have had a lot of secrets in life, whether they were my secrets or somebody esle's. I think it's good to have secrets that are just for you, because 1) you probably don't want to share it with anybody and 2) it's something that only you know and that nobody else does, so you hold a knowledge that is all your own and can be really powerful.

Secrets can also be very bad. If you keep a certain secret and not tell anybody, it could hurt you and somebody else. Also, secrets can get out and even hurt a person even more. Sometimes things need to be told, no matter how painful, to make things right.

I am very good at keeping secrets and I won't tell them unless it's all right for the person that told me the secret. Are you guys good about keeping secrets?

1 comment:

Eliza101 said...

I think that I am pretty good at keeping secrets, well at least I keep having people tell me them, so I guess that I am still trustworthy.