Thursday, May 3, 2007

Sun, Happiness, and Evil Enery Drinks

What do you value most? I know its a question that doesn't get asked often but when you really think about it what would the answer be? I value alot of things and there are too many to narrow it down to one. I value life, God, family, happiness, nirvana, color, love, friends, and everything that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside (I like that phrase). I feel that these days, people take the simple pleasures of life for granted. Like the sun. I feel like nobody ever really appriciates it. All anyone ever does is complain about it when it is really a natural healer. No wonder goths are so unhappy, they never get any sun! I just feel like there are so many beautiful things in life that we are missing because of Mtv, video games, junkfood, and stress. I think that its hilarious that people wonder why they are overweight and all they eat is chemically-prosessed-what-used-to-be food. If we all took a day to just lay in the grass and ponder the reason that the sky is blue the world would be alot happier and healthier. We live in a world controlled by the majority, television, and energy drinks (PURE EVIL) so where has the creativity gone? I know that I still have mine. Think about it. Do you still have yours?


lild7hinascc said...

I like how you added "evil energy drinks" in your title. I agree with you. Most people take things for granted and people are wasting their time. I have been all around the world and there are definetely some beautiful places. Canada is really a beautiful place and so is Alaska. I didn't like Alaska when I traveled there but I loved the ice glaciers.

ice skate dreamer said...

People do take things for granted. I just love to sit down and watch the sunset. It is one of the many things that get left out of our
day because we don't take the time to appreciate it. I totally agree with what you are saying.

Eliza101 said...

I really value family and friends as well as religion and music. I really like your title.

~ima dumb blonde~ said...

I agree with you. I think that people take things for granted and appreciate the wrong things. It seems like all people care about is money and fame, when we should really be treasuring family, friends, and God.

cavalierschick said...

be nice to the goth people :] I don't get a whole lot of sun, and I seem to be a little ball of sunshine. (ha, bad pun number 1) I value my saftey, my friends, and the sense of belonging. That's something that if it was taken away from me, I would be grately upset. I think those things are a distraction, but I doubt we're missing out on a whole world of things. And I actually disagree a little. I do think that televison and the internet can cause people to not want to think a whole lot and be creative, but then again I think it's sparked a whole new form of creativity. We can share and create things and now share them with anyone anywhere. Just a thought. :]