Sunday, May 6, 2007


Has anyone watched the movie Traffic? I watched it just the other night, and it really is an amazing movie. It shows just how fast drugs can cause you to fall from grace and lose everything.

The movie is rated R, and is violent, so if you're not that kind of a person, I wouldn't recommend it.

It takes several different plots and joins them together. In one hand you have two cartels in Mexico duking it out. In another hand you have a politician/senator responsible for helping take care of drugs in America, and leading the war on drugs. Then you have his daughter, a rich girl who has anything she wants, goes to a prestigous school, is making excellent grades, and is in the top three gradewise in her class. She makes the fall from grace in this movie, and loses all of that.

The movie also kind of shows that money cannot provide true happiness. It can rid you of stress called on by the life we have to live in a fast pace nose to the grind society, but it cannot give you true happiness. Michael Douglas plays the role of the senator very well, and puts that image across. He neglected his family life in order to be a top politician, but in the end, he really wasn't happy.

How do you feel? What do you feel is most important in your life? Family, friends, and having simple fun and just enjoying life on a day-by-day basis, or constantly living your life thinking about the next day, and how your actions this day will affect tommorow?

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