Friday, May 4, 2007

What Now?

So I have finished House of Sand and Fog. I was very pleased with this book and a little disappointed at the same time. I won't give away too much, but it ended with a murder, two people in jail, and a surprise suicide. I just wish I knew what happened to Lester at the end. You kind of find out what happens to him, but I'd like to know a little more. I think Kathy was my favorite character. She did do a lot of stuff that was probably not good for her like cocaine and other substances, but she was a really hurt person. She never felt accepted by her parents and that's probably why she never told them about the estrangement of her husband or the eviction from her house. Kathy was a very nice person, she just got ahead of herself.

Now that I am done with that book, I need a book to read. What do you guys suggest I read?


cavalierschick said...

Twilight is an excellent book. It's by Stephenie Meyer and I love it. I also like Christopher Moore, he's a really funny writer. Are there any movies you really like? See if it was based on a book or if they wrote a book after it was made. I don't know if this one was based on a book or not, but I love the movie Lake House, so if there's a book on it I bet it would be really good. Hope I could help. :]

Erin said...

I've seen the Lake House. It was very good.