Friday, May 11, 2007

Act 3 Plays

I am nervous about giving our performances on Monday. My group is using the original text. I am a translator for my group. It is a fairly easy job. I understand my scene fairly well so it should not be to difficut. I hope all of you are doing well on your projects. How are they going? I hope that my lines get memorized. How many of you are using the original text or making your own script? Which ever your team chose I hope they are turning out good.
On another note. Did you hear of the mother who was encouraging her daughter to beat this girl up on the bus. I could not believe someone, a parent at that, would get on a bus with survielance cameras and tell her child to beat another girl up. Just because one girl hurt another doesn't give them the right to beat her up. What do you all think of this? How would you feel if you had been the bus driver or other students on that bus? I can't believe the girl even admitted to being the one to hit the other girl. So give me some comments on what you think.


mellofelloet said...

I cant belive that, a parent shouldnt be telling her daughter that she should beat someone up. Just because someone is being mean to another person doesnt give them the right to beat the other up.

lild7hinascc said...

Wow, some parents are bad role models. I'm not that scared of acting but I know I'll feel stupid afterwards. Our team is making our own script so we don't really have a translator job. I can't wait to see everyone's performance on Monday.

Eliza101 said...

Yea I remember hearing about that in history. That is crazy.