Friday, May 11, 2007

School Play

So this morning was the matinee, and I thought it was really interesting. I didn't really get into it until the second half of the show. I was kinda confused in the beginning, they all came in so sudden, and I still don't know who is who. Although I did think the play was really funny! What did you guys think of the play? (if you went to see it)


lild7hinascc said...

I didn't go to the play and haven't heard anything about it. I wish I could've gone but I didn't want to make up class work.

SHS21 said...

I think the play was kinda boring to be honest not much of a story and the play was only in one place...Not enough action

Lacy Jo said...

I totally agree with you it was confusing at the beginning but the 2nd half was a lot better! :)

~ima dumb blonde~ said...

I thought it was pretty good. it was alot funnier than I expected it to be.

Eliza101 said...

I went and I thought that it was pretty good, even thought it started out very slow.

cavalierschick said...

I thought that it was an alright play. It was worth the $3, but if I knew I would have to make up work then I wouldn't have gone. I knew that I wouldn't have any homework from 1st and 2nd block, but if I would have I would have stayed in class.