Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Beautiful Optical Illusions

It's hard to believe that picture is actually an optical illusion. People are even walking around it, because they think there's really a chunk missing out of the street.

Julian Beever is an excellent optical illusion artist. Here's a website with some of his work on it.

I see we've figured out how to bump our posts to the top all day too.


Lacy Jo said...

WOW!!!!!! That guy is so talented to be able to draw like that. It asmazes me that someone could do that with chalk....i loved your blog!

Lacy Jo said...

WOW!!!!!! That guy is so talented to be able to draw like that. It asmazes me that someone could do that with chalk....i loved your blog!

mellofelloet said...

That is so cool, I would love to see that in real life. Your blog was good too.

lild7hinascc said...

That was pretty neat. I saw some of those before but it still amazes me how artists do that.

bumblebee15 said...

Yeah, that guy is very talented. What amazes me is some people didn't even stop to or anything. Great Post!