Thursday, May 10, 2007

everyone is talking about...

On the blog it seems like everyone is talking about Spiderman 3. I have heard a lot of people on the blog say that it was the best one yet. I have not seen it yet, cause the day I was going to go see it, it was all sold out...which was a bummer. Anyways, thats not the point of this post. I actually had a couple of questions from the study guide. So can anyone help me?

Act1 Scene 1

1. What seems to be the chief concerns of the young men of Verona?

2. Why does Sampson fail to specify at whom he is biting his thumb?

3. What does Benvolio attempt to do and what are the results?

Also has anyone seen Disturbia?

If so, was it good?


ice skate dreamer said...

I saw disturbia a couple of weekends ago. It was pretty good. It didn't get "scary" until about the last 20 to 30 minutes though. It was a really good story line though. I would recommend it.

SHS21 said...

2. If Sampson would have been biting his thumb at the man he would have been provoking a fight which was against the law so he just said he was biting his thumb at no one in particular.

Anonymous said...

I think the chief concerns of the young men of verona is ummm.. ladys and girlfriends, ext. you get the point.

mellofelloet said...

I want to see disturbia, but havnt yet. as for the study guide, benvolio was trying to stop the other men from fighting byu pulling out his sword and the someone comes up beside him and questions what he is doing with his sword out.