Thursday, May 10, 2007


Im all out of ideas on what to read next.
Any ideas


Anonymous said...

It kinda depends on what you like to read or what you're in the mood to read, one of my favorite books that I just finished reading is called inkheart, what kind of books do you enjoy?

mellofelloet said...

I have heard great things about Twilight, and I have read Davinci Code and it is very good.

agurlwithfaith said...

Well I don't know what kind of books that you like, but Play To The Angels is a great one! I would recommend that to anyone! I hope that helps you a little. =-]

Tony Buck said...

Well as of right now i am reading a book called Bravo Two Zero. Its by Andy McNab. The story is about a group of 8 British soldiers who go into Iraq on a mission. They get split up, and the main character gets captured. I'm at a point in the story where he is being interrogated. Its really interesting, if you like to read war books.

CrazyDay said...

I'm reading The Stand by Stephen King right now. It was published in 1978, and it's a great book. I have literally stayed up reading it until midnight every night this week.

It's about a superflu that wipes out the world, but a few people survive, and they're all having the same dreams...the Walking Man chasing them. I can't say anymore because that would be giving away too much.

It's really ominous and suspenseful.

If you can find it (it is very old, so it might be hard to find) I would recommend getting it. It is very mature and for mature audiences though. There is a lot of swearing and other things that some people may not like.

He really brings the characters to life though, and it's a great book.

SHS21 said...

you could read "maravich" about pete maravich (a basketball player) which is a good book.