Friday, May 11, 2007

curious questions

Ms.James asked how i figure out art and things of that sort, and the thing i have to say is just to be curious and ask questions. They way i discovered alex grey was simply by chance. One of my favorite bands is the band tool. Alex grey does all of their album artwork, and as soon as I found that out, I started asking about him, and i researched him and found his website, and as one thing leads to another, i know about alot of his paintings. If you have any questions to ask, just ask, and if you need to know something, be curious, and dont be afraid to ask questions.

Today's art is a piece by guess who? alex grey. Its called toxic, im not sure what its about, or the meaning, but why dont you guys tell me this time? What do you think its about?


Stella_in_color said...

maybe its the man releasing the toxins from his body and they form a beautiful bird and float away and he is at peace.

Anonymous said...

I really like this painting, its very colorful. But I do not have any ideas on what it could mean..

mellofelloet said...

That is a very good explanation.

I am not good at interpreting art. But i think that it realtes to God. The bird is a dove and the dove represents God. Maybe this picture shows the relationship between man and God.

Anonymous said...

I kinda agree with stella's interpretation, but I also see a heart coming out of the released toxins. Either way it is an awesome painting!

Anonymous said...

good answer stella, i think your right :)

Lacy Jo said...

I really enjoy looking at the art work you get from Alex Grey. I know the tittle of this week's painting is 'toxix' but when I look at this painting I feel a sense of peace and purity. It is a reall neat painting. :)

Eliza101 said...

I think that it is really cool that with every post that you do, you add a picture. Keep it up!! I enjoy looking at the artwork.

1dayi'llfly said...

I like your artwork. It's really cool. I'm not good at telling the meaning of paintings...