Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Does Whatever A Spider Can

I just went to go see Spiderman 3 last night with my dad and I think it's the coolest movie I've seen in years. The main story line (and I promise I wont give anything away :] ) follows Peter Parker who is , "just your friendly neighborhood Spiderman." He's dating Mary Jane and is trying to further his relationship with her. Along with that, he's dealing with new villains and the struggle with his best friend Harry. Spiderman has to deal with everyday feelings like anger and hate along with woe and forgiveness. One of the reasons I absolutely love Spiderman is that he's just like everyone else. He's a complete geek and had to deal with the loss of his uncle in the first movie. He can also be a real jerk at times, but knows what it's like to hurt. He's human just like everyone else. Another thing that I really thought was cool was the inner battle with the revenge that he felt to get even with the man that killed his uncle. That is where the black suit Spiderman comes into play. He talks about later in the movie how good it felt to be evil, but the longer you wore it and let it control you, the harder it was to take off. I think that's an excellent visual for anger and revenge. The producers were trying to convey the idea of if you let revenge and anger rule your life, it quickly takes over and is hard for it to leave your life.

So, what do you guys think?

1.) Do you think that this is a good example of real life?

2.) If you've seen the movie, did you think that this was a good theme for the movie?

3.) How's the acting projects going?

1 comment:

lild7hinascc said...

This movie had some good lessons in them. It showed that power can feel good at first, but overall you may regret it. Peter Parker transformed into a totally different person and realized his actions a little late.