Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Spidey Man 3

Well most of the recent posts are about spiderman 3. I thought the movie was alright. The graphics were amazing but the story line was so-so. The fight scenes were great and the soundtrack is basically the same as all the other ones. Spiderman is the same except we get introduced to symbiote. When spiderman transforms into Symbiote, he gets power, and seeks revenge and is filled with hatred. Peter Parker also has eye liner on and is emo which I thought was a great effect. The effects of Sandman were great but Venom could've been better. I searched forums and people complained that he could've been buffer. Venom wasn't in the movie until like the last 30 mins. But overall it was a great movie and I wouldn't mind watching it again. *thumbs up*


cavalierschick said...

But Venom didn't come in until the end because of the struggle with the Sandman. Besides, Sandman represented the struggle with Peter and the people who killed Uncle Ben. Venom was cool, but I don't think he was as important as Sandman. With Venom, it was pretty much just a final example of how greed and hate can completely distroy a person.

lild7hinascc said...

Yeah, I forgot to think about that.