Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Ever wonder why you fall asleep in class?

No, its not that your teacher bores you to death, its the fact that we dont get enough sleep at night. I really think that if students did not have to get to school so early and have more time to sleep, there would be higher grades and happier students! Its as simple as that! The disrtict is sitting around scratching their heads wondering why test scores are so low and why tardies and truancies are raiding the establishment when the answer is sitting in front of them. I say, LET MY PEOPLE SLEEP!!!! I know that on wednsdays, i am alot more on top of my game than other days where Starbucks ( thank heavens for them ) and an extra hour to sleep is not involved. There was that idea earlier in the year that we would start every day at 8:30 and late days would be 9:00. I dont know about you all, but that idea was music to my ears. Im not sure if it went through or not, i think it might have and for the sake of everyone at this school and schools all around I hope so. Now at this point i see no room for argument because the main topic of discussion within the walls of this place is hor tired and beat we all are. And yet some people argue that when we sleep were "wasting time". Well my advice to those people who clearly havent slept in years is, try decaf. Y

heres a link to a good site with more info.


Erin said...

It didn't go through. But I would probably get more sleep if I didn't have all of my extra-curricular activities and homework. If I did, then I would go to sleep at nine.

CrazyDay said...

If we had later start times and what not, kids would just find other ways to burn it and still get a lack of sleep. I go to bed at 11 everynight, and read till about 12. That gives me about 5-6 hours of sleep every night.

If school started an hour later, and instead of waking up at 6 I had to wake up at 7, I'd just stay up until midnight and read until 1.

I'm pretty sure most of us would do the same thing.

Eliza101 said...

I think thats its not really the schools fault. I spend like no time at home because of other activities. If I was not involved in that stuff I would probably have better grades and also get more sleep.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with what you said about how we would be getting better test scores and such if we just got maybe an extra hour to sleep.

SHS21 said...

Actually I'm pretty sure its because of boring teachers

lild7hinascc said...

I agree with crazyday. Even though on Wednesdays we have late starts. I still sleep and wake up the same time. I would rather have more time in the afternoon than sleeping. I usually sleep at 11, 12, or 1 which is a bad thing but I'm fine at school. When I'm tired in school it's mostly because of the weather outside. If it's cold then I get really sleepy and can't stay awake but other than that I'm fine in school.