Thursday, May 10, 2007


I just started reading the book Twilight. I am already past half of the way done. When I first started reading it I thought the book was very strange and I didn't know if I would like it. As a got into it I changed my mind. I never really believed it when people told me the book was a love story. It really is though. To think of someone falling in love with a vampire doesn't seem that romantic, but in a way it is. This is a very good book if you are looking for something to read. I have a long list of books to read I feel so consumed with books right now. I have to finish one quickly to get on to the next one. While still enjoying the book at the same time. I really love how I have fallen in love with books this year. Thanks to you know who are! So if anyone else has a good book suggestion to add to my long list I would appreciate it. I am afraid I am going to run out of books to read this summer. I want to keep my list long. Hope everyone is doing good on their Romeo and Juliet play. Good luck and I can't wait to see them on Monday.

1 comment:

mellofelloet said...

I want to read this book, people have said that it is really good. I want to read it so badly.