Friday, May 4, 2007

Forever and Always

As a little princess you dream,
You imagine life with the 'girls.'
As you grow older you begin to smile.
You realize life is turning out for the good.
Then one day you feel a tear running down your cheek.
You feel lost, and a since of insecurity.
Your mind runs wild, it has no idea what to do.
You do not know what this feeling is, this feeling of emptiness.
You scurry to find someone to turn to.
But still feel so lost and confused.
Then you remember being told....
That those who care will be right there by your side.
To be there when life is tough.
You remember that those you can not imagine life without
Will be there talk to.
Knowing they will not judge you,
Better yet they will not leave you.
These are the people you never wanna forget.
These are the people I call my best friends!
Through thick and then, tears and pain
As friends we stay strong till the end,
Always and forever best friends!

1 comment:

mellofelloet said...

I really love your poem. I think that it is so true and it relates to a lot of girls.