Friday, May 4, 2007

I tried to make a photostory but it messed up so i decided to email it to Ms. James to post. I kinda bummed me out but im ok, I FINALLY FINISHED JUDE!!! how is everyone else doing on there free reading books? mine ended excellently, and the new one i checked out (double helix) is good as far as ive read already. Im liking shakespeare so far, is everyone else? The modern version of romeo and juliet is funny and interesting , and the old one is a little weird but im starting to like it too. Everyone have a good weekend!

Today's art is a piece by alex grey done for one of string cheese incident's album covers, it looks like Bardobeing, but it isnt a depth painting. Have fun commenting!


Anonymous said...

Wow! You finally finished Jude, no offense, but you've been reading that for a long time! Good Job!

Anonymous said...

haha i know i have, i stopped reading it when we did mockingbird, so thats why it took so long

Crouching_Tiger said...

Although "Double Helix" may bore people to death, I heard it was pretty good and I may check it out myself.