Friday, May 11, 2007


latley I really haven't been able to find a good book, and i was wondering if anyone has any suggestions. If any of you guys do please leave me a comment or something

I also think that the Romeo and Juliet skits that we are getting ready to perform on monday are going to be pretty sweet, but I have a really long part so i dont think thats going to be fun. But The book is getting pretty juicy if you ask me and its getting very interesting.


cavalierschick said...

let's see . . .
I really enjoy any books written by J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K Rowling's Harry Potter books, Crank by Ellen Hopkins, A Million Little Pieces by James Frey . . . there's a short series of books at the public library called the Orca series. They're all about 100 pages long and are short stories that different authors have written. I've read most of them and they are pretty cool. I know they're short, but you could check out two or three at a time. Hope that helped.

gobluedevils042 said...
