Friday, May 4, 2007


This is the poem that I just recently wrote and turned in.

It is called homerun and I think the title fits the poem.


The sounds of the game were intense.

Nobody could believe what was happening.

All you could hear were the hot-dog and beer venders

trying so desperately to sell their over priced products

and then loud moans and groans of the fans after every pitch.

It seemed that the life had been sucked out of the stadium.

Then a young Texas Rangers shortstop

stepped to the plate,

with one swing of the bat

he could change the course of the game.

Here comes the pitch, right down the middle.

The pitcher's only mistake of the game.

He swings.

You hear the crack of the bat echo across Arlington Stadium

then an uproar of screaming, clapping, yelling

all there in just a matter of seconds.

I had no idea what had just happened

it was unbelievable.

The passion, the glory of a homerun was swept upon me in an instant.

I started to wonder how someone

could hate this game,

then absolutly love and adore it the next second.

This really troubled me as a young child,

but as I have gotten older I realize

what these fans were feeling on that day in Arlington Stadium.

And that was love, anger, happiiness all mixed into one.

It didn't make any sense then

but now I realize what a homerun can do to you

and it's an unbelievable feeling.


mygame_tennis16 said...

great poem! (:

lild7hinascc said...

nice poem :)

Anonymous said...

good poem

Anonymous said...

Good Job, Baseball Rox!

gobluedevils042 said...


Tony Buck said...

That is an awesome poem. Pretty cool about baseball. I like baseball. Where were you at for the game?

never_give_up said...

I"m going to agree with everyone else, very nice poem! I liked it

never_give_up said...

I"m going to agree with everyone else, very nice poem! I liked it

Scarlett_Rose said...

It's better than strawberry milk shakes

SHS21 said...

Its a really great poem