Friday, May 11, 2007

Jane Austen

I am about to read "Sense and Sensibility" by Jane Austen and I am really excited about it. This is the second book I have read by Jane Austen. The first book I read was called "Pride and Prejudice" and I loved it. You all might of heard of the movie that was made about 1 year ago. I have also heard that "Sense and Sensibility" was made into a movie a while back. Has anyone seen the movie or maybe read the book? I'll let you know how the rest of the book is. (:

1 comment:

cavalierschick said...

I just bought Pride and Prejudice (the book)about three weeks ago. Did you like it? Actually, I got it at Silver Dollar City where you can buy at the place where they do the old time pictures. Almost all of their classics are A DOLLAR or UNDER FIVE. It's nuts, but really cool if you are a big fan of the classics. :]