Sunday, May 6, 2007

Mothers Day

As everyone already knows mothers day is coming up! I am still having trouble deciding on what to get my mom. I think mothers day is a very important holiday. It makes us really appreciate our moms and all the things they do for us. I have to admit that I sometimes take the things that my mom does for me for granted. If I really think about it, if my mom wasn't in my life I would be alot different. I wouldn't have all the material things that she provides me. but more imporatantly I wouldn't have that mother-child bond that I believe can never be replaced by any other person. I hope that someday when I have my own children that I will be able to be half of the mother that my mom was to me.

Do you guys have any ideas on good mother's day presents?
How is your relationship with your mom?


brownboy said...

i would get your mom jewlery or a good card you made

Eliza101 said...

I guess that you could say that I have a good relationship with my mom but we do have our fights. Sometimes I wish that she was not so protective of me all the time, but other times I can understand where she is comming from, especially since I am an only child.