Friday, May 4, 2007

My Poetry(:

The View!

The wind hit our faces hard

We kept our smiles

It was a long way up

Our legs all hurt

The view was beautiful from all angles

It was a tiny space

My family and I found a place to stand

My mom stood there and pointed out birds

Of course I really didn't care

I just nodded and smiled

It was in the middle of February in Florida

I wasn't cold at all

Only when the wind hit my face

I felt like a bird

I was able to see everything it felt like

The trees looked like bushy pillows

The sound of birds and natures sourrounded me

And with one last look I headed back down


Lacy Jo said...

This is such a good poem! Awesome job :).

cavalierschick said...

That's such a cool poem! Where was this in Flordia? I really like the words you chose to tell the story and I like the pictures you picked. Good job!! :]

mygame_tennis16 said...

Thanks! (:
Yeah it was in Florida.

notre_dame_bound said...

Your pictures are really good. They fit very well with the poem. You did a really good job!! ;)

mygame_tennis16 said...

Yeah I found those pictures online because i didn't want to use the one I had. It would of given away who I was. lol

Anonymous said...

i really like the poem

gobluedevils042 said...

nice poem i liked it.