Tuesday, May 1, 2007

New Poetry Unit

So is everybody liking what we have started to do with poetry? Beginning the poetry unit i was not very confident with writing poetry, and I was really shy about people reading it outloud. I was so relieved when Ms. James said that we didn't have to read poetry, rather we could just pass our poems around in our groups and get feedback from that. What did people write about? I did the picture poem so I wrote about the random picture that I brought to class.

Wierd picture huh?


mellofelloet said...

I wrote about my dad before he got sick. I thought that picture was a little odd, but its still pretty cool. I didnt want to pass around my poem, but it made me feel good to hear what other people had to say about it, good or bad.

Eliza101 said...

My poem was based off a picture of me and one of my best friends. I was not really impressed about how it turned out but hey...I tried my best!!

cavalierschick said...

I wrote about my sister and I being stupid and irritating our mom. That is a really weird picture. Is that a tattoo on someone's arm? That's what it looks like to me, anyway.

~ima dumb blonde~ said...

I liked the poetry thing that we did. I thought it was something different and it helped me alot with imagery.

Stella_in_color said...

I do believe that the author to that poem that is so perfectly tatooed on someones arm is Robert Frost. Now correct me if im wrong but I think it is. Cool though!

~ima dumb blonde~ said...

I agree with you. I was scared about what people would think of my poem, but it made it easier when we could just pass our poems around.

Tony Buck said...

The tattoo is of a Robert frost poem. I'm glad other people felt the same way about sharing poetry as I did.