Today in class when we were going over the study guide, I took one of the questions to mean something else than what Mrs. James had said. I wanted to know what you all thought about this possibility. Question 6 for act 2 scene three says, "However, what does the Friar's discussion of medicinal herbs being both good and evil remind us of?" When I first read this question, the first thing that popped into my mind was To Kill A Mockingbird. I believe it was Jem that talked about that not everyone is all good or all bad. That just seemed to fit so well with what the Friar was saying. He's talking about how plants are both good and evil and if used to much, they can become deadly. It's kind of like what Jem was talking about. He said that not all one person is all bad, but everyone does things that are bad and don't make them all good. I hope that made sense to you because I guess it did in my head. I guess it's just something to think about. I hope you all are having a good day and you all have a wonderful late start. :]
Wow, nice analogy! I never would have thought of that, but it does make a lot of sense now that you mention it! Nice Blog
I agree. Gosh everyone in this class thinks way more deep that I do. I am a surface thinker I guess.
That's an awesome connection. I loved that part of Mockingbird. It's so cool that you remembered that passage about Jem's view of people. It sure does tie in with the Friar's soliloquy. Way to go!
Thanks katiedog! I don't know how or why I remembered that passage from the book, but it was the first thing that came to mind when I read the question on the study guide.
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