Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Oh no its the big bad poetry monster! AHHHHH!!!!!

Hello bloggers!!!!!! Well I am really happy about the poetry that everyone is writing! Ive been reading over everyones posts and it seems like alot of people who never took a liking to poetry before, have realized that its not as scary as it seems. I am glad that its clicking for you all and for those of you who still dont have the rhythm down, dont worry you'll get there. I also enjoy reading my team mates poetry. Its intresting to see the other side of the people that you see every day. I enjoy poetry and i always have so to see that other people are getting into it too just makes me want to get up and do a little jig. Poetry is just like writing a song or rap. And I know that some of my fellow bloggers are up and coming rappers so that goes for you too. Songs are really just poetry. And most poetry can be turned into a song. See, sometimes the world just equals itself out like that. :-) Dosent that just give you that warm and fuzzy feeling inside when you realize that something makes sense in a world of uncertanty?


Katiedogg said...

Stella, You are amazing! I can't wait to see and read everyone's poetry. What's been going on the blog is beautiful!

Eliza101 said...

Hey that is a really cool picture, it has lots of very vivid colors. I like colors!! I agree, I think that it is amazing when something you tried so hard to understand finally clicks!!

Tony Buck said...

When we first started the poetry unit I didnt feel comfortable with poetry. I didnt like reading it, making it, or listening. But now that we have done more with poetry I see how everything can be made poetic. Rap and some rock music is. I just feel more poetic with more experience.

lild7hinascc said...

I like how you added vivid colors in your picture and also your first sentence. It caught my attention and made me want to read your post. Congrats on clicking! I still haven't clicked on to writing poetry but I hope I do soon. :D

never_give_up said...

Interesting post! I really liked your picture,it caught my attention and it made me want to read your post. It was a good post too.