Friday, May 4, 2007


I'm so glad that it's Friday! I thought that it would never come. I don't know about you, but this week really seemed to drag on. Well, I personally enjoy doing these photo stories, so I feel this is a good way to end the week. I really enjoy photo story because I think it provides an excellent visual for whatever you want to present. I'm excited to read and see everyones poems. I hope you all are really enjoying Romeo and Juliet. From here on, everything just gets crazy and I promise you that it's much more exciting then the beginning. What I really like about all of this is that despite when everything gets depressing, Shakespeare still throws in little jokes. One of my favorite scenes is one that follows one of the more sad ones of the play. If you are a musician or like music, that will be a really funny scene to read. I guess I really don't have a whole lot to say today, but I really hope that you all have an amazing Friday and a good weekend.

Okay, I have to ask:

Has anyone seen Spiderman 3 yet and if so how was it? I'm curious to see how everyone (if anyone) liked it.

Alright, that's it. See you later! :]

1 comment:

Lacy Jo said...

I'm so glad it is Friday to!!! :) but hey i was wondering what is that website again to get to the pgoto story? Or justin general how do you get to it again I forgot :-/