Friday, May 4, 2007

Spiderman 3? Spoilers? Schwat?

Just kidding... The movie comes out today I believe and I'm sure most of us are going to be waiting in line after school. I have read some of the poems that people have posted and they are quite nice. I felt very awkward sharing poems to fellow classmates at the beginning but now I'm opened up. I feel as we share our poems on the blog that it really doesn't matter if people find out who you are. Most people on the blog already know who people are and it doesn't matter in my opinion. Everyone is using great poetry skills and use great imagery. Now if I could only do that...


mygame_tennis16 said...

Ooh I am going to go see that tonight with some of my friends. The line is going to be terrible,but it will be worth it.

lild7hinascc said...

I read reviews and it got great reviews. People prefered it better than the 2nd. I can't wait to see it although I won't today. :(

ice skate dreamer said...

I am going to see that movie saturday night. It is going to be really fun. I hope the movie is good. I can't wait.

Leroy Jenkins said...

Spiderman is the second coolest superhero ever.