Wednesday, May 9, 2007

this weekend

Everybody is talking about movies! alot have recently come out that I want to go see, and there are still some that are on rent that i Havent seen yet. I want to see Spiderman 3, 300, Shooter, and another one that I cant remember. Ive heard good things about all of the movies but im not sure whether or not i should wait for them to go to the cheap theater or not. I for sure want to see the spiderman movie, The venom suit is so awesome that I think it looks better than the regular one. But Im confused about the Widow thing, i know the suit is named venom, but who is widow? and why does he have the same suit as spiderman, and how does the venom suit get there anyway? But yea, im going to see it this weekend.

Today's art is yet another unbelievable piece by alex grey, it is so detailed that i thought it was digital, but its not, thats all paint on linen, it took him like three years to do it. Simply genius. Here's the link to his website! The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors.


cavalierschick said...

I don't want to spoil anything, but you'll figure it out quickly once the movie gets going. Spiderman and Venom share have the same suit because it IS the same suit. I really don't want to give anything away, but Venom is a person and the suit is whe charasterics that go along with it. As for it getting there, that is explained very early on in the movie.

hope you like it! :]

CrazyDay said...

That dude is a good artist. I'll have to check that site out.

There was this one website where it showed optical illusions that some guy could draw on the street, and it was amazing. He could actually make it look like there was an actual swimming pool in the middle of the street, and people would walk around it.

Anonymous said...

yea!! Ive heard of that guy, i dont remember his name, but ive seen some of that

lild7hinascc said...

I've seen the movie and I'm still not sure who widow is.