Sunday, May 6, 2007


It was a dark day,
As rain was but teasing the world,
And frigid cold submerged our town,
A day I will never forget.

At a friend's house,
Our minds started expressing creative ideas,
Confinement was unforbearing with our minds
Idea... we would watch a movie.

The streets were bare,
To a four way stop,
No one there,
I let my car roll.

Suddenly, over the horizon,
A car, my memories told me,
A county sheriff, driving toward us, like a nightmare.
Looking through the rear view mirror,
Red and blue lights flashed.

Gripping my leather wheel,
Breathing slowly, getting a chill,
Not thinking, but to be fearful,
I slowly halted to a stop.

All I could hear was my car's soft purr,
As the sheriff approached.
I forgot how to breathe.
He came and told me what he saw,
And proceeded with his actions.
No mention of my stop,
But instead my tint, too obscure.

1 comment:

brownboy said...

really good poem i liked the creative words you used