Sunday, May 6, 2007

Grief and Loss

If you haven't started reading Act III, then I don't want to give too much away. But the parts of the act deal with loss. So this got me to thinking about grief and how we handle it. There are 5 stages of loss: Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. They are explained here.

I have been fortunate enough to have not lost many loved ones in my life, but when I have lost somebody, I think I have experienced these stages. I lost my grandfather four and a half years ago. I remember feeling numb and refusing to believe it. Then, I was angry at God for not letting me have enough time with him or my siblings. Then, I got kind of silly and asked God if there was a way to bring him back. Eventually, I just asked myself, "What's the point?". After some time, I came to terms with realism and thought, Everybody dies and that he had a long life.

So I thought of things to discuss:

1. How have you dealt with grief and loss in the past?

2. If you have gotten into the Act III, what was your reaction to the death?

3. Are you scared of dying?

1 comment:

Eliza101 said...

I really haven't been to close to anyone that my family has lost. My grandma died and that was kind of hard but I personally wasen't to close to her, but now I wish that I had been.
I am not scared of dying because I know that I will be going to a better place.