Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Spiderman 3

Yea I went and saw Spiderman 3 this saturday, I thought it was a very good movie and it had some nice morals to it as well. There was some very cool action scenes with Venom, The Sandman and the green goblin 2. My favorite was when Spiderman first puts on the black suit and is hanging upside down looking at himself in the window of a tall building which was seen in the previews. The movie was suprisingly very funny and the goofy side of Peter Parker once again shows. Some of the morals of this movie was that everyone has to conquer their darkside and if you are not careful it can completely take you over. Another one is that Revenge is never a good thing and it can tear you up from the inside out. Over all I thought this was a good movie but i think the other two were cooler than this one, but don't get me wrong this movie was sweet


Anonymous said...

Cheater ;)

lild7hinascc said...

I love your picture. It's pretty sweet. I haven't seen the movie yet but I plan to today after school. I saw most of the fight scenes already around the internet but I still want to see all the transformation scenes and the full movie.

cavalierschick said...

i loved that movie. I think it's now my favortie movie of all time. I thought the coolest part was Peter in the black spidey suit in the cathedrial trying to take off the black suit.

Jeff ;] said...

Wow, that looks like a pretty good movie. I think im going to go see it this weekend. Cool piture by the way.

Anonymous said...

I heard that spiderman 3 is better than the other two...what did you think?

lild7hinascc said...

I got one question... How come it said you posted this on May 10th? but you posted it on May 8th?

Eliza101 said...

Lucky, all of you who have seen it. I have not had time to go see it in theaters. I have only seen the second one and some parts of the first one, so I guess that I should see that first.

Stella_in_color said...

are you aware that some of us havent seen that yet and that your ruining it for alot of people? just a thought. :}

mellofelloet said...

I loved it. I really enjoyed it, I loved all of the spiderman movies. I like spiderman because he is the only superhero that can say, " I have spidey powers" all of the other superheros can say things like, " I have super speed" or "super strength" but only one can say they have spidey powers.

Anonymous said...

it sounds like sweet movie

SHS21 said...

I can't wait to see it..It's like breaking a whole bunch of box office records.