Monday, April 30, 2007

Free Verse Poetry

I dont know about the rest of you guys, but I really enjoyed the free verse poetry activity that we did last week. It really helped me with my writing skills as well as helping me become a better poet. I think that it also helped me with using imagery as a writing techmique. Now I feel like I can write with more discription and use better adjectives. I think that we should write poetry more often, maybe during the free writing or do another photostory. What do you guys think?

Falling in pools of love... Ahh Love

I know that ive posted about the movie before. But I hadnt seen any of the older Romeo and Juliet. I kind of liked the older version because of the way they made it really authentic in the way it was preformed. I know that the newer version was not supposed to be like the book but the way that Leo Dicaprio was haning from the lattice, kind of draws the attention away from the gravity of the scene. Seriously Juliet is professing her love for him and hes' hanging from a stinkin fence! I found that really funny. In the older movie, they seemed alot more in love than in the new one. I did like the way they fell into the pool like they were falling into a pool of love over and over again. Ahhh love. Y

Sunday, April 29, 2007


I've never really liked poetry before, but this last week it just sort of clicked for me. I really started enjoying it and it was fun for me. I always thought it was a hassle, but now I find myself thinking of lines of poetry in my free time. I like free-verse better than structured poems because there aren't rules and guidelines that you have to follow. You can just let it all flow out of you. Here is a poem about Romeo and Juliet by Richard Brautigan
If you will die for me
I will die for you
and our graves will be like two lovers washing
their clothes together
in a laundromat
If you will bring the soap
I will bring the bleach
I like this poem, it compares the tragedy to something I would never think of.

things change

Things Change by Patrick Jones is another book I was reading this week. It is a lot different than One Child. It is about a goody-goody girl, Johanna, that thinks she is in love with a funny senior guy, Paul. She asks him for a ride home from a meeting, and he says yes. She says, I want you to kiss me, this is how the books starts out. She enters into a completely different world filled with heavy metal rock, skipping classes, and eventually into a world where she is abused by her boyriend and doesn't want out of the relationship. She is not at all confused with trigonometry or Shakespeare, but when it comes to her feelings for Paul she doesn't know what to do. Anyway it sounded like a pretty good book, so check it out!

Good Books

Has anyone been reading any good books? I have been reading the "Gossip Girl" series and the "It Girl" novels. Plus I have also been re-reading some of the "Harry Potter" books. The "Gossip Girl" books are really good. I can't put them down. Well have fun reading, I think I am going to bed. (:

One Child

I finished One Child and it was even better than I thought it would be. I'm not going to ruin the end of the book just in case anyone actually wanted to read it. It was a very good ending, and I cried a couple of times during the book, but I cry pretty easily. Anyway, I'm reading another book by Torey L. Hayden, it is called Ghost Girl, it's kind of like One Child except now she is in a different city and the girl slouches almost all the way over when she walks and she says that she does so because otherwise her insides would fall out, and she hasn't talked at school for two years, but on Torey's first day she gets her to talk. The little girl is pretty weird to put it nicely, and that's as far as I have gotten, but I'm predicting that she is getting abused in one way or another by her family. I'll get back to you guys when I finish it!

Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

So were into the second Act of Romeo and Juliet and its starting to heat up. Shakespeare is an awesome poet and a really good playright but I think everyone already knows about that though. I think the that shakespeare blends just the right amount of action,drama, romance, and comedy in Romeo and Juliet. It turns out to be pretty good. I think that being able to watch the more modern movie helps me to get a better feel for what Shakespeare is trying to get across. It helps teenagers understand Romeo and Juliet a lot better.


I think the poetry is going pretty well. I would much rather have done a rhyming poem because I think they sound better and are easier to write. I don't know why but when we have to rhyme it just becomes easier than having to write out a free-verse poem. Anyways I still think my poem is pretty good. Hows everyone else doing?


I am liking free-verse poems a lot more than regular poetry. I just hate rhyming and I am not very good at it. Free-verse is much more easier. How is everyone else's poems going? Do you think the free-verse poems are harder or easier? Let me know. (:

7 Deadly Sins (of Poetry)

In class a few days ago, we were discussing what were the makings of a horrid poem. Well here are the seven types they may fall under.

1. Haze Poem- a poem that is not specific in it's wording. It's kind of like John Madden, " There is great football when there is people playing great football."

2. Life in a Nutshell- A poem that tries to tell the world the key to life, love, and all other complex answers.

3. Teen Angst- When someone just basically cries about their boyfriend breaking up with them. (or anything along those lines)

4. Metronome Poem- A poem that is "sing-songy." Basically people try to force rhymes into the poems, making the poem sound like a joke.

5. Antique Language Poem- A poem that uses words no one uses today. Basically it's what people try to do when they want to try to sound like they're from 1500, England.

6. Violin and Tears Poem- Basically if you can imagine a violin playing sad much as a speaker is reading the poem, it belongs in this category.

7. Generic Poem- A poem that is way too broad. It may categorize groups of people, so it may come out as a generalization about people. To avoid this, be specific with your details.


Ok, since my last post was slightly controversial, what did ya'll think about the freeverse poetry? I think it was fun to have the list words and make up a poem about it. It was challening, no doubt, but fun. I think it was interesting to see the different points of view. I also think that through our poetry and peer confrencing we get little entrances to the lives of each other. (Call me cliche but I think that's true.) The things we can put into writing and poetry wouldn't always be excepted in spoken words. Have you ever noticed that? That if you say something, then it's not always accpetable amongst peers and society, but if you romantisize it in a poem, essay, book, ect. then it's considered beautiful? Give me your thoughts.

Romeo & Juliet--Worldwide

Almost everyone has heard the famous words during the balcony scene. But did you know it is know worldwide. When I was looking online, I found "Romeo and Juliet" all kinds in different countries. From operas in French to music in Russian. At least, I think it is Russian. I am not totally sure. Anyway, I thought it was pretty cool to see it, even though I can't read it. I have links below, but good luck reading the first website. It is the one that I think is in Russian, but I'm not sure. My favorite one is the second one. Part of it is in Spanish, but you can read most of the website. It is by a group that performs for Spanish schools that are learning English and like most of the websites I found, it isn't based restrictly off of Shakespeare's original play. They add characters and change several parts. The third website explains the difference between the French's opera of Romeo and Juliet and Shakespeare's original play.

By the way, I was wondering what scene are we suspose to be on?

Saturday, April 28, 2007


So I haven't been looking around lately for books and I'm wondering what is a good book. Thanks!

Friday, April 27, 2007


Does anybody know of any good books?


I got this email and it had random facts and this one was in shakespears time so it thought i would post it. In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bedframes by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes the mattress tightened,making the bed firmer to sleep on. Hence the phrase......... "goodnight,sleep tight." I thought it was kinda interesting. In the e-mail it also had the thing below.I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of th huan mnid Aoccdrnig to rscheearchat Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is tahtthe frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitllraed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raedervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.Amzanig huh? I thought it was really cool that you could still read it.....

Sharing Poetry

Hey guys!! Hope that your week has gone great!! Mine has except for the poetry thing. I am not very good at poetry so for me to share it with my group was kind of nerve racking. I know that they would not say anything bad about it but it really makes you wounder what they are really thinking about it. The picture that I chose was one of me and my friend just hanging out and having fun. It was kind of easy for me to think of things to put in the poem but it was really hard to try to put them all together in it. Did any of you have that problem??

I think that the conferencing helps us get feed back from others but it is really hard to share it with them. Whenever I hear people reading poetry it makes me even feel worse about mine. Some people are just so creative and I am not one of them. What are your views about conferencing? Do you like it or not? If it was up to you would we share our poetry? I hope that you all have a great weekend and enjoy the rest of school!!

Similies and Metaphors and Alliteration oh my!!! :-)

I am really excited that we are starting the poetry unit!!! i have always enjoyed great poetry and i have always had a nack for writing some pretty kick butt stuff. I usually write on my own time not only in the classroom so it comes to me easily. I was thinking today, on Wednsday Ms. James had us write down what we saw in a bad poem, well how do we really know what a "bad" poem is? Anything that anyone writes has got to be good to at least someone. The Writer of the '' bad'' poetry for petes sake would have to like it. We are all so diverse in our thinking, that it would be hard to write a totall horrible poem. And then I feel somewhat like a hypocrite because i have seen some BAAADD poetry in my life. I guess that it just depends on how you think. Now if i may i would like to include a little poem of my own. Just a little limerick inspired by my grandma.
Musty, Crusty, Rusty Grandma

My Grandmas caserole is crusty

Her attic is really musty.

Her lipstick is red,

she has white hairs on her head,

and the water in her sink is rusty.

Thats just a silly poem. one of the tons that i have. I hope that everybody has a great weekend! keep on rhyming!

I Can't Understand

So the last couple of days have been all about poetry, imagery, and sharing it with our groups. I don't know about the rest of you, and this is just my opinion but I really do not like poetry. I think its because I am kind of a 1 minded person. I like to things to be concrete and make sense. Most poetry to me makes no sense, so I cannot relate to it. If someone is writing about how love is sweet for example, I don't understand why they do not just write that. Instead they might say "the pink fingers took the candy with _______(fill in the blank with confusing word) to see dawn." To me poetry is confusing and hard to interpret. This may be why some of you like it I don't know, tell me what you think. I would like to enjoy poetry, (it sure would make English classes easier). How are everyone's poems going? I'm having trouble putting literary devices in mine.

poetry - yay or nay?

I really enjoy writing poetry, even though sometimes its not very good, and this is why it is sometimes awkward to read it in front of the whole class. I dont mind reading it whenever i feel like its good but whenever im not finished or feel like its not very good i find it hard to read it without it feeling awkward or embarassing. How do you guys feel about it? Onto another subject, i finally started back reading my free reading book again. And jude is getting awesome, he ends up following this plan to help his mother win a mayor election, and it ends him uo in jail, only to be betrayed by his stepfather and his mother thinks he is lying to her. He has proved himself among the inmates by fighting and has gone through "hell and back" as the book refers to it. Once he is out of solitary he cleans up and gets his GED along with a job in the prison offices, planning to become a lawyer. I am almost finished with the book and am having trouble not reading it in class because its getting so exciting. How is everyone else's free reading treating them?

Today's art is one of my most favorite painting's of all time, done be alex grey this is BardoBeing, a depth painting, examine closely and tell me how many faces do you see?


Throughout the play, I've noticed that Shakespeare has a way to change the characters feelings and my feelings about the characters. Like he changed Romeo's feelings of pity love to true love. He also changed what I think about Mercutio. In the beginning of the play, Mercutio teased Romeo about his pitiful love over Rosaline. But now that I know that Romeo has found true love, Mercutio's taunts are kind of annoying. In Romeo + Juliet, at first, I didn't think that Mercutio's character fit the one in Shakespeare's play. But now I kind of see that they fit. (kind of) When I read Act II, Scene 4, I didn't understand what Mercutio was saying. Until I read No Fear Shakespeare, I realized that he was making very sexual comments. He even says them to the Nurse. I am amazed how my opinion of him changed so fast. I wonder what else Shakespeare has up his sleeve.

Help? Help?

Today for the first half of class we conferenced with each other. I didn't feel comfortable at first because I never really liked to share stuff. However, asking for help is a good thing. You can learn more about your own work from other people. Best of all you learn the truth. Some may think their writing is good others bad. But in other people's eyes they see the writing differently. I knew mine was bad and I intend on revising most of it. When reading others, I can learn things from their writing also. Overall conferencing is a good thing. Although I don't like sharing I can still learn from it.


How do you feel about poetry? Mainly, how do you feel about expressing your poetry to others and letting them read it?

I think poetry means a lot, and also says a lot about yourself. When you write poetry, at least when I do, I put a lot of myself into it. This is the reason why most of the poems I write are more solemn and seldom straightforward.

When you let others read your poetry, or you read it outloud, I think you are revealing part of your feelings to them.

I find it interesting reading other people's poetry, because it shows the many different views people can have about the same topic.

I think this is why you feel nervous when you read your poetry outloud, because you are kind of projecting an image of yourself out there.

Harry Potter!!

About a week ago, somebody posted about Harry Potter. Now, I don't want to steal their thunder, but I kind of want to post about it now.

I really love Harry Potter. I have been a fan of the series since I was 7 years old. They have made my reading level improve and have gotten me to read more. My reading skills skyrocketed at a very early age and then I reached a plateau. I just stayed the same. When my aunt bought me Sorcerer's Stone for Christmas, I at first didn't like the book, because I thought it was hard. But eventually, it became easier with help from my parents. I then got B00ks 2 and 3 later that year. My desire to read was very appraised from my teachers.

So now that the last book is coming this summer, I am very excited with anticipation. This series fueled my creativity immensely.

What I also love, is the references that J.K. Rowling uses in her books. She often makes suttle references to mythologies of different cultures and classic literature like Shakespeare's A Winter's Tale and Beowulf. She also uses themes from her own life and experiences in her books. I find the way she writes books so unique and amazing.

I think what I like about the books is that she created this little universe of her own that is similar to ours but so different in so many ways. They really aren't fantasy books if you think about it. They're more like realistic fiction in a way, because they deal with so many real problems and themes such as: loss, grief, love, good and evil, right and wrong, and making impotant choices in life.

What's great, is that these books are good for all ages and they are so addicting.

It's going to be a good summer with Movie 5 and Book 7 coming out within eight days of each other.

Here is the trailer for Movie 5.

40 games in 40 Nights

This is the greatest time in proffesional basketball, 40 games 40 nights. This is what we call the NBA playoffs where the intensity rises to a whole new level and the true champion is crowned. The western conference is definatly the stronger conference going into the playoffs this year like last year, but we all know what happened in the finals, Dwayne Wade and the Heat turned it up after losing 2 straight and won 4 in a row to beat the heavly favored Mavericks in 6 games. I think that this year the West is too much for the East to handle and I think the West will be Champs this year. My Picks for the Finals are The Denver Nuggets and the Cleveland Caviliers, I think that the Nuggets will pull it out in 6 games, but I think that Caviliers has a chance for the upset. The combination of A.I. and Melo will be too much for anyone to handle. The Teams I want to come on top are the Heat and Lakers, but I know the Lakers have no chance, and it would take a miracle for the Heat.


Yesterday we were told to write a free verse poem about a picture. So I found the picture I wanted and when I sat down to write, I couldn't think of anything. Did any of you have that problem? It took me forever just to think of my first sentence. You wouldn't think writing a poem that doesn't have to rhyme would be hard, but I actually found it harder.

Which one do you find harder to write?

Do you like help?

Today we got to have a conference with our teams. I really enjoy doing these conferences. I feel as if we get a lot out of it, to hear what our peers think. It is also a comfort to know we do not have to stress over reading out work in front of the whole class. I know as as student these conferences help, and my writing ability has improved from the help of my teams. Ok enough of what I think, I am anxious to know what you all feel about these conferences. Do you think they help? Do you enjoy doing them? If you don't like them what would you want to do differently? Thanks for your time, I can't wait to see what your comments hold in store for me :).


I have continued to read the book Velocity and i love it. I would go as far to say that it is my favorite book tht i have ever read and im only on page 136. It is awesome. Its a thriller and every chapter ends with a cliffhanger just begging you to read on. So i do. I find myself turning the pages without control. Im just so engrossed in the book ill look up and im 30 pages from where i started and it seems ive been reading for anly a couple of minutes. i love the author and how he writes so well. This book is kind of sick and twisted at some points but i think that kind of stuff makes the story that much better. In a way the book is kind of like the Saw movies. Its really good and i definitly recomend the book.

Roses are Red...

Do you guys enjoy the confrensing? As we were sharing our poems with our groups, I was nervous about it at first. My poem is very close to my heart. Its about my dad and how he was before he got sick and after. I wasnt sure how my group would react, but they seemed to like it. As I am sitting here typing my mind keeps on wandering. I cant seem to think straight today, ITS FRIDAY. Ah, the answer to all my prayers is here! I need this weekend. I can work on my poem and read. Does anyone have any good books that they wouldnt mind teling me about. Well, I hope you all have an amazing weekend. See you on Monday!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Shakespeare and Naptime

hey everyone! I hope that you all had a good week and are enjoying Romeo and Juliet. I thought it was absolutely crazy reading the book today in class about the third grade students learning about Romeo and Juliet. Did you listen to their vocabulary and sentences? Most of them write better then me on a good day. I wanted to know what you guys had to say. I wonder how these kids are going to do in English classes later down the road. Do you think that it would be a good idea to start introducing harder reading and writing topics to younger kids? I just really want to see what these kids are like in ten years. If this is something that they are learning as third graders, I wonder what kinds of books they would be able to read and understand the older the got. I just thought that it was really cool that they could understand what was going on in the story and I thought it was really brave of the teacher to attempt to teach it to them. Well, I hope that you all have a wonder Friday and an amazing weekend!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sit Back & RELAX

I've really enjoyed this day to blog and catch up. Watching the movie clip, I thought was fun and relaxing. Just to sit back and listen. What about you all? I'm excited to get to watch the balcony scene in Romeo + Juliet. Are you? I really enjoy the new version for something different. I hope everyone enjoyed this day as much as I did.

Deep Questions

I really like the movie so far, does anyone know what all of the costumes are supposed to stand for? I understand that Tybalt is the devil because he is evil, but what exactly is the significance of Romeo being a night and Juliet an angel. Is this just to paint her as very beautiful and him as noble and heroic? If so then I just want to say that taking a drug is not very heroic to me. Also our teacher said that there was also something to do with the fish tank. What is it supposed to signify, that the two star crossed lovers are separated by their families differences? So tell me what you think. Have fun blogging!

Shakespeare's feelings

This is one of Ms. James' questions on her blog. So I don't think Shakespeare would like the more modern day version of Romeo and Juliet. I don't think when he invisioned this play that he wanted cross dressers and pills. I would think that he would be very confused. He meant it to be a simple love story and it is being turned a little to complex. So what do you all think Shakespeare would think of his masterpiece in this modern day version. Hopefully he would appreciate the new artistry put into it, but over all I think he would appreciate it more through his original version and costumes. So give your opinions.

Romeo + Juliet or Romeo & Juliet?

Hello Everyone. Which Movie do you like better . . . Romeo + Juliet or Romeo & Juliet? I like both. I like Romeo + Juliet just because it's more "in our own time" and way more fun to watch, but I also like Romeo & Juliet because the words and the timing match up. What do you think? Well, I hope everyone is enjoying their week! =-]

Romeo and Juliet

So far I think that Romeo and Juliet hasn't really been that bad like being bored with it or anything, but it really hasn't been great and I wouldn't mind if we stopped reading it right now. It is pretty tough reading and you actually have to pay attention to get what Shakespeare is trying to get across to you in the play. I Liked it when we read Romeo and Juliet on the computers on Sparknotes because that way I can see the modern English translations which makes it less confusing to me at least.

How does everybody like Romeo and Juliet so far?

The First Act

The first act was pretty exciting. I think it could be a movie all by itself and still be pretty interesting. The First Act has action, comedy, romance, and adventure. I think Shakespeare is a brilliant writer who knows his stuff. I am excited about the rest of the story because the first act had so much action involved in it. Even if it's hard to understand at first it is still pretty good to read. If the rest of the story is as good as the first than this will be a very enjoyable play to read. What does everyone else think?

What would you do?

In Romeo and Juliet, the two teenagers come from two compeltey different families; these familes in which do not get along at all. Romeo and Juliet however feel as if they are destined for eachother, that it is 'love at first site'. Well we all know because of thier families they are going to spend more time fighting for thier relationship instead of enjoying it together. This is where my question comes in...What if you were truly in love and felt as if you found the right person, but both families were not for it, would you go agnist your family and be with the one you loved, or with as hard as it would be, let your loved one go knowing it was the only way to make your family happy?

Thoughts of Romeo+Juliet

At first I thought this movie was way over exaggerated. The movie took place with modern effects and seemed awkward with the fact the characters were speaking Shakespeare. Some of the visuals seemed weird and misplaced. But this was all before I read the book. As we read the Ball scene and re watched it, I felt that they connected in a unique way. The props and how the characters dressed represented how Shakespeare described them. The pill also helped with adding effects to how Romeo acted. The ball was a masquerade so everyone dressed in a strange custome. Romeo's friend for instance dressed like a girl. The thought of a guy dressing like a girl seemed nasty to me but I felt that it connected with his personality somehow. Juliet was described as an angel so she had angel wings at the masquerade and Romeo was described as a knight. The movie is pretty good so far but bizzare at some points. I think that Shakespeare would approve of this movie if he was still alive today.

modern movie

I don't really like the modern movie. It's kinda weird. I think they should have use modern words. It's weird to see them in modern clothes and modern times, but not using modern words. What do you think? I do like the movie because it allows you to understand the play more. Do you guys like the movie?

Capulet Ball

The ball scene seems to be very different from what I had envisioned the scene from, while reading the original version. Besides for the fact that it is more modern, the scene seems to give a different feel. As though Romeo and Juliet are running away, as in the original version, they are not chased but Juliet is simply called for and taken by her nurse. I also would have envisioned that they had not been in such broad and open of a place when they would have kissed. It just seems as though everyone would have seen them. I believe the movie version drifts further away from the original but still delivers the same messages.

Modern or Old

So we have now seen a little bit of both movies, modernized and the old version. For me I think the modern version explains the story better. Even though they are still talking in old English, their movements and the way the scene is played out helps me understand it a lot better. Now on the other hand the old version follows the script and makes it look like it would have been back in the renaissance age.

So which movie do you guys like better?

AWTR Book vs. Movie

Well, I finished "A Walk To Remember" this weekend. I was so proud of myself, I didn't cry. But the book wasn't as good as I thought it would be. I finished watching the movie tonight and I like them both. There were parts in the book that weren't in the movie that I liked better and there parts in the movie that I liked better. I liked the movie a lot because it made it more real and they made it more into a story line. Plus, in the movie, some parts seem more realistic. One major difference was the time frame. In the book Nicholas Sparks says it was 1958, but in the movie, the setting was closer to our time. In the movie, the boy, Landon, had head phones and he was listening to music and it wasn't Elvis. Also the cars were not the right kind. I don't know much about cars, but I know what 1950's cars looked like and these looked nothing like them.
Even though I leaning to the movie as my favorite, you can't take away from the author. The movie wouldn't have been made if Sparks hadn't thought of the story. None the less, I still suggest you read the book. It is still a very good book. It's just that the movie is very, very good.

Water and Ectasy

First: Was the ectasy really necessary? I mean, seriously, aren't people enough into drugs withOUT seeing it in connection to one the best playwrites? I don't see why that was absolutely possitviely needed. What aer your thoughts on it?
Second: I think the water signified a dream like state. You know how like movies, when they meet the main characters who will fall madly in love later on in the story the camera panes them slowly? I think it's kind of like that, only with water instead.


Okay, So I'm not much of the romantic, but the whole Romeo and Juliet thing

Seems a little overrated...But what would I really know? We are only just

starting on it, so not much to really talk about.

Personally I don't like the newer version of Romeo and Juliet because

they are filming modern day, but talking old english. That's just way weird.

I like the older film because it seems to really be like old times and follows the

Romeo and Juliet script just a little bit more than the newest one.


1) Which version of the films of Romeo and Juliet do you prefer?

2) Do you think that the newer version is just a little weird?

3) How are you doing? I'm utterly bored and I really don't know

what to blog about, since we haven't really gone into Romeo

and Juliet that much, yet.

Bright Angels, Devils, And A Night In Shining Armor

I feel like the costuming in this film is really great. In fact it is amazing. For example, Juliet wore an angel costume where later in the play, Romeo refers to her a an angel. Romeo is in a knight costume serving as her night in shining armor. I saw something that i bet no one elce saw. I found it intresting that Tybalt was dressed as a devil symbolizing that he is a antagonist in this portion af the play. He tries to strike up trouble by drawing attention to Romeo. It makes sense. Baz Lurhman is a really great director. For those of you who have seen Moulin Rouge, you can tell that he directed that as well. On the subject of how Shakespeare would react to the way that Lurhman portrayed his masterpiece, i wonder if he would like it or not. We really cant be sure but by the way we see that he writes, i think that he would like it this way.

Take Your Pick.

How is everyone liking the play so far? At first it didnt make any sense to me but now I am starting to like it a lot more. I think that reading it aloud during class helped me interpret it better.

What I really want to know is which movie do you guys like more? The older version seems to go with the actual play better. The newer movie is more modern and I think it appeals to teenagers more. In my opinion I like the newer version more. It adds a comic side to the play. The older movie loses my attention and it is hard for mo to get into. Even though I have said that I like the new movie better I still think that it was a good idea to watch both. It helps us see the contrast between the two movies and the play. What do you guys think?

End of Act I

How did you guys enjoy Act I? I particulary liked it. I really enjoy the scene when Romeo and Juliet meet. Even though I do not believe in true love, I believe that this is a beautiful scene. I really enjoy the dialogue between them, when they talk about sin and pilgrimage. I like how Shakespeare made their dialogue into a sonnet. I found it very poetic and creative. Did you particulary enjoy that part?I am also having a hard time understanding why Mercutio gave Romeo the ecstasy pill in the newer film version. I try to make a literary connection to the themes of the play and scene, but I am not doing so good. If you understand it, please tell me. I think it will help me understand Mercutio's character better.

Capulet Ball

How did everyone else like the scene with Romeo and Juliet at the Capulet Ball. I personally thought it was very clever how Romeo was dressed as a knight because he is Juliets knight in shining armor, and she was dressed as an angel because she represents an angel to Romeo. I also thought is was clever how the water seperated them, because its like there are so many other fish in the sea but they still found eachother. At the very end what was going on when Morticio grabbed a gun from the rack?


The Balcony Scene

Last nights reading had the famous balcony scene in it. How well did you all understand it? I went back and read it from no fear shakespeare and it made a lot more sense. What do you think about Romeo just happening to be under Juliet's balcony to hear her confession? I thought it could be part of fate. If he had not been there and heard her say her personal thoughts about him then they might no ever have known their true feelings for one another. They both know that they are not supposed to love one another because of their families. That would be the most awful thing to find out. What if things like that were still around today. That your parents did not like the guy you are in love with when they have not even given him a chance. Would you go against your parents wishes if you were in love with someone that they did not approve of? That would be a really hard thing to do. To have to go against your parents like that. I hope that none of us ever have to go through that. So happy blogging and post lots of comments.


Recently i have finished the book the Da Vinci Code. I really liked it. There was always a twist or turn that made me want to keep on reading. After that i started a book titled Velocity. Some of my friends said that it was a really good book and that they loved it. So i decided to read it. And so far i enjoy it. I'm only on the third chapter and haven't really gotten into plot yet. The book is about a regular guy, who is a bartender at a local bar, that finds himself in a situation that sucks. One night he got off work and when he got out to his car he noticed a small slip of paper under his windshield wiper. This note said that he had two options: call the police and the note writer would kill an elderly woman active in charity work or not anything and the guy kills a blonde school teacher. He has a deadline also. At first he thinks it only a sick joke but he soon finds out that it is not a game. Soon he finds another note and another deadline. The choices are his and I'm anxious to find out what all he does as he finds more notes with more deadlines.

Love at first sight??

So how was your weekend? Mine was actually pretty good, I got to earn a little bit of extra spending money.

I was just thinking of something while I was reading the fifth scene of Romeo and Juliet. Also partially because Ms. James had posted about it on her blog. This topic was love at first sight. Personally I do not believe/understand it. I mean, love is a very strong feeling that you have for someone and how can you know that you love them when you do not know anything about them? I was talking to my mom and dad about this and they do believe in it. They used me as an example which I found kind of wierd but that is how my parents are. I think that I can understand it in some situations but not all of them such as the one in the play. When Romeo first sees Juliet he knows that he is in love with her even though he has not said one word to her.

How about you. Do you believe in love at first sight? Hope that you all have good rest of the week.

The Costumes

I hope that you all are having a good day so far. What I really like so far about that new version of Romeo and Juliet is the different costumes that were worn at the Capulet ball. Have you guys really looked at the different costumes? What I really like is how each costumes match the different characters. Romeo is dressed as a knight, Juliet is an angel, Tybalt is the devil, Capulet dress in the Greek god costume, Lady Capulet as Cleopatra, Mercutio as the girl, and Paris as the astronaut. I think I understand why some of the characters have the costumes they do, but I wanted to hear what you guys had to say. I believe that Romeo is dressed as the knight because he is all that Juliet ever could want and later on in the play she calls him her knight. Juliet is dressed as the angel because of all the light and heavenly references Romeo uses to describe her. Tybalt is dressed as the devil because he is the main antagonist. I think Lord Capulet is dressed as the Greek god because he is this larger than life figure, is rich, and rules his house like an empire. I believe that Mercutio is dressed in drag to reiterate all of the sexual jokes he makes to Romeo throughout the play. That part of him becomes even more evident in the scenes yet to come. What I still can't seem to figure out is why Lady Capulet is dressed in the Cleopatra costume and Paris as an astronaut. I do think of Cleopatra when I think of Lady Capulet, but I'm really confused on the choice of costume for Paris. What do you guys think? I would be really interested to hear what you all have to say. :]

Romeo is in a gang

I Think its kinda funny that the new Romeo and Juliet (modernized version) is all gangster, and i think its weird that it still has all of the original words. I think it would be alot better if it had some more modernized lingo instead of all the thee's and thou's that people really dont use anymore. I also wish that there would be a day where we could just watch the entire movie, seeing little bits and pieces of the movie you cant really see the whole story laid out in a modern setting. Over all shakespeare hasnt been too bad, it stinks because i cannot remember my book for the life of me, I always have to borrow a book or use the computer at our table. I hope everyone is having a good week! Its earth week so everybody make a difference! environmental club is selling trees, bumper stickers and plants all week, and on wednesday their making shirts! so donate a dollar and get a tree to plant to repopulate after the ice storm.

Today's art is an abstract piece done by Robert Walker, it is several layered circles, and it you look closely some of them look like eyes.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Puppy Love?

Isn't Romeo funny. He thinks that he is in love with Rosaline, and because he cannot have her he is severly depressed. He can hardly eat, sleep, or smile. Then in a matter of seconds, he completly falls in love with Juliet. Likewise she is also smitten right off the bat. Is this because of "fate" or was love back in Shakespear time based on looks alone. Do you believe in love at first sight, What is the true definition of love? Here are a few dictionary defintions. I don't think that Romeo could have been truly in love with Rosaline, if he had never even spoken to her! What is your view of love?