Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Virginia Tech

At first when i heard about what happened i didn't believe it. I could never imagine that ever happening. Then i watched the news and i was in shock. Why would anybody do a thing like that? I mean what would make a person feel the need to end 33 lives. From what i heard the person was a little bit on the weird side. On the radio this morning they were interviewing some of his roommates and they said that he had an imaginary, supermodel girlfriend. But i also heard that he was going to be neurosurgeon when he graduated. So he would have a had a successful career. Plus he was a senior this year, about to graduate. I cant even begin to understand why he would do this. There is also something else that has been bothering me. When i was watching the news they said that after the killer killed the first set of victims he went back to his dorm room for two hours, came back and did it all again. The police should have instantly reacted and stopped him from going on another rampage. I'm confused as to why he would go and do something like that. If it was something wrong with his own life why did other people have to die? Innocent people at that. I guess we will never know the real reason he did it.


~ima dumb blonde~ said...

I agree with you. I could not believe my ears when I heard what had happened. I couldn't see why someone would want to kill that many innocent people and then take their own life. I wonder what was going through his mind when he did that.

Eliza101 said...

I still do not think that it has really sunk in yet. Especially for all of the families that lost someone in the shooting.

agurlwithfaith said...

I also agree. As to why he would do that, I don't know. I wish I did though. I was so mad when the police had 2 hours to do something, but they didn't!! I guess we'll never know why he did it.