Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Tragedy at Tech

I feel like I need to post about Virginia Tech. This truly was a tragedy and upset, but I think this fiasco makes us ask, "What caused one man to kill so many people?"

I truly think that the gunman was a sick person who needed guidance and help. I watched an interview with his roommates talking about him. They said he was quiet and stalked girls. He also wrote very violent, twisted plays. He was sent to couseling but progress was not made. I know he killed all of those people and what he did could never be forgiven, but I almost feel pity for him.

Just think what was going through his mind. There could have been millions of reasons why he decided to kill those people. People say he wanted to kill his girlfriend, but there has got to be more to it. I know many of you will think I am crazy for showing pity towards him, but he needed help. He needed something to make him mentally healthy. Maybe with the right kind of therapy, he wouldn't have decided to kill all of those innocent lives.

I am very sad at the fact that such a tragedy had occured and very sickened at the same time. Nobody should have to go through such a horrific event in their lives.

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