Sunday, April 22, 2007

Reading Mania

Hey, I've been reading all weekend and I think I've read more books in the last week, longer than 100 pages, than I ever have. I've finished a series of Lori Wick (shocker!) and I think it was one of my favorites. It was her "A Place Called Home Series" and it was really good. All these bachelors are brothers, and they meet some fairly interesting women, one couple has ten years of an age difference. That, to me, is absolutely positively disgusting. I don't think I could EVER do that, maybe if my life was on thee line, but I'm positive that's the only way!!!! What's your difference-in-age limit? I don't thing I could ever marry a man who was more than five years older than me, maybe six, but that's pushing it just a tad. The same couple then adopted five kids one of which was closer in age to the adoptive mom than her fourteen year old sister, she was eighteen!! That, I would consider beyond disturbing!!! I'd think my daughter (even adopted) would have to at LEAST 20 years younger than me. You know? Well, I've (for the first time in my life) ran out of things to say. Wow, never thought I'd say that. See y'all tomorrow at school!


Erin said...

My aunt and uncle have a ten year age difference and I'm positively sure it is not gross. I know a lot of couples with more than ten years age difference. It's only gross if it's like 14 and 24. It's not gross if it's 47 and 57.

Scarlett_Rose said...

Yeah, as you get older the age bridge kinda gets smaller, but even at that, most people get married when they're younger.

1dayi'llfly said...

I wouldn't go out with anyone more than 5 years older than me. I don't want to go out with anyone younger than me either. It's just a thing i have. That book sounds good. Who's the author?

Scarlett_Rose said...

I agree, five years either side is my limit. Lori Wick is the author of all the books I've been reading lately. Although, if you're going to read one of her books, I suggest starting with the Kensington Chronicles, and start with the beginning, it adds more humor to later books. Or the English Garden Series, but again, start at the beginning.