Sunday, April 29, 2007

7 Deadly Sins (of Poetry)

In class a few days ago, we were discussing what were the makings of a horrid poem. Well here are the seven types they may fall under.

1. Haze Poem- a poem that is not specific in it's wording. It's kind of like John Madden, " There is great football when there is people playing great football."

2. Life in a Nutshell- A poem that tries to tell the world the key to life, love, and all other complex answers.

3. Teen Angst- When someone just basically cries about their boyfriend breaking up with them. (or anything along those lines)

4. Metronome Poem- A poem that is "sing-songy." Basically people try to force rhymes into the poems, making the poem sound like a joke.

5. Antique Language Poem- A poem that uses words no one uses today. Basically it's what people try to do when they want to try to sound like they're from 1500, England.

6. Violin and Tears Poem- Basically if you can imagine a violin playing sad much as a speaker is reading the poem, it belongs in this category.

7. Generic Poem- A poem that is way too broad. It may categorize groups of people, so it may come out as a generalization about people. To avoid this, be specific with your details.

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