Saturday, April 21, 2007

Finished Book

I first blogged about this book called Until Tomorrow. I can now say I have finished it and it was amazing. It didn't take me long to finish it because I could not put it down. Well Christy and Todd are finally showing some affection for each other more openly. I thought they would never get to that point. They were always "just friend" and now they are more than that. If you are a girl this is sounding really good right now isn't it. Well in the book they had to make a lot of important decisions trying to figure themselves out and their relationship. I don't want to give away anything so I won't tell you what they decided. In the end though Todd finally gets the courage to tell Christy that he loves her. I couldn't keep it in any longer. I had to tell someone what happened. So sorry for ruining the ending. But now you should want to read it to find out the details. It was such a great book. It makes you feel all giddy inside. I loved it. I know that is corny but I don't care. So... Hope you all are having a great weekend. I sure am. It is beautiful outside. Get outside and stop being boring inside wasting your life. Just kidding. Well bye.

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