Hey guys!! Hope that your week has gone great!! Mine has except for the poetry thing. I am not very good at poetry so for me to share it with my group was kind of nerve racking. I know that they would not say anything bad about it but it really makes you wounder what they are really thinking about it. The picture that I chose was one of me and my friend just hanging out and having fun. It was kind of easy for me to think of things to put in the poem but it was really hard to try to put them all together in it. Did any of you have that problem??
I think that the conferencing helps us get feed back from others but it is really hard to share it with them. Whenever I hear people reading poetry it makes me even feel worse about mine. Some people are just so creative and I am not one of them. What are your views about conferencing? Do you like it or not? If it was up to you would we share our poetry? I hope that you all have a great weekend and enjoy the rest of school!!
I'm not very good at poetry either, and sharing it with my group is really scary to me.
I know, I felt so stupid too!! I'll blame my teachers. It's all their fault. If they would have read shakespeare to me . . .
well, I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
I didnt like it at first but then seeing their reactions made me feel better.
I dont see myself as a very good poet either... but hey at least were trying! I was a little nervous to share my thoughts with my group because i was scared of what they would think of my poem, but after i did it reading it out loud didnt seem that bad...
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