Sunday, April 29, 2007

things change

Things Change by Patrick Jones is another book I was reading this week. It is a lot different than One Child. It is about a goody-goody girl, Johanna, that thinks she is in love with a funny senior guy, Paul. She asks him for a ride home from a meeting, and he says yes. She says, I want you to kiss me, this is how the books starts out. She enters into a completely different world filled with heavy metal rock, skipping classes, and eventually into a world where she is abused by her boyriend and doesn't want out of the relationship. She is not at all confused with trigonometry or Shakespeare, but when it comes to her feelings for Paul she doesn't know what to do. Anyway it sounded like a pretty good book, so check it out!

1 comment:

~ima dumb blonde~ said...

that does sound like a really good book... even people who are "book" smart can have trouble in real life situations