Tuesday, April 24, 2007

modern movie

I don't really like the modern movie. It's kinda weird. I think they should have use modern words. It's weird to see them in modern clothes and modern times, but not using modern words. What do you think? I do like the movie because it allows you to understand the play more. Do you guys like the movie?


Anonymous said...

i agree
the newer movie does allow you to visualize the play better
i used to feel how you did about the newer movie but i have started to warm up to it alittle bit

ice skate dreamer said...

I don't like the modern version either. It is very strange. I do believe that if they are going to change the characters and clothes that they need to change the language too.

cavalierschick said...

I like the newer one much better than the old. True, it loosly follows the script, but it's provided a wonderful visual that helps the reader understand how the line was ment to be delivered and what they were trying to say. The only thing I'm worried about is how much they leave out in the end of the movie. That could leave more damage than good.