hey everyone! I hope that you all had a good week and are enjoying Romeo and Juliet. I thought it was absolutely crazy reading the book today in class about the third grade students learning about Romeo and Juliet. Did you listen to their vocabulary and sentences? Most of them write better then me on a good day. I wanted to know what you guys had to say. I wonder how these kids are going to do in English classes later down the road. Do you think that it would be a good idea to start introducing harder reading and writing topics to younger kids? I just really want to see what these kids are like in ten years. If this is something that they are learning as third graders, I wonder what kinds of books they would be able to read and understand the older the got. I just thought that it was really cool that they could understand what was going on in the story and I thought it was really brave of the teacher to attempt to teach it to them. Well, I hope that you all have a wonder Friday and an amazing weekend!
Yes, I do believe that if children are taught,well at least introduced, to the tougher topics at a younger age then in the future they will have an easier understanding on things :)
I loved listening to that story. I think that that class is going to be the future english teachers of Canada, they are from Canada right. Anyway I tought ot was really cool.
I think that it is so sad that they can understand Shakespeare better than I can. Especially since they are in like third grade.
The seven year olds were freakishly smart
If they're that smart they should be learning rocket science, Shakespeares a waste of time for them!
thanks for the comment :)
I agree. I wish I studied more when I was young. Sometimes I feel myself struggling to memorize things. I'm a pretty bad procrastinator (sp?) so I usually do it the night before. When I lived in Canada, the grading was more strict than here in Springfield. The teachers were more strict on work and it was hard to get an A.
I think introducing Romeo and Juliet to younger ages would be exactly what schools have been doing for years. I have an older brother and some of the things that I was learning in 5th grade, he didn't learn until like about 7th or 8th grade. As the world and technology grows, kids have to learn more things than years and decades before. Think of the pioneer days where all they learned was reading, writing, and arithmetic.
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