Sunday, April 29, 2007


I've never really liked poetry before, but this last week it just sort of clicked for me. I really started enjoying it and it was fun for me. I always thought it was a hassle, but now I find myself thinking of lines of poetry in my free time. I like free-verse better than structured poems because there aren't rules and guidelines that you have to follow. You can just let it all flow out of you. Here is a poem about Romeo and Juliet by Richard Brautigan
If you will die for me
I will die for you
and our graves will be like two lovers washing
their clothes together
in a laundromat
If you will bring the soap
I will bring the bleach
I like this poem, it compares the tragedy to something I would never think of.


Stella_in_color said...

Ahh youre feeling the effect of great poetry. Im glad that you are findin it easier to express your inner feelings through poetry. Oh and that lines of poetry in your head stuff? Just let it flow and for petes sake write it down! That stuff is your best work! It dosent matter where i am, when i think of a great rhyme or lyric i write it on anything i can find. A napkin, my hand, a piece of wood, someones shirt... Anyway im proud of you! great post!

mellofelloet said...

I liked the post and the poem. I thought it was neat. Where did you find it?

Eliza101 said...

Wow that is a really cool poem and a very different way of looking at Romeo and Juliet. I like it!!

never_give_up said...

mellodelloet-I looked up poetry and shakespeare on google.