Sunday, April 22, 2007

Romeo & Juliet Ballet

I went to the ballet. It was really good. I felt pretty good when I could explain the beginning to my mom. I knew what was happening and all the characters' names. It was so much easier to understand because it was acted out instead of hearing the weird language. All the performers were very talented and most had started ballet at a very young age.

I thought the beginning was so interesting, because it showed the differences between today and Shakespeare's time. Not only were there girls on stage, but they played parts during the fighting scene. Today, many girls play boys' parts in ballet, because there are so few boy dancers (mostly because of the stereotype other people put on them). It was the opposite during Shakespeare's time. I was wondering, what do you think when you hear ballet? Do you think of little girls in tutus? I think it is sad what some people think of ballet dancers. It really is an art that is tough to learn. Many dancers start learning at three or so. It takes years before you start dancing on your toes.

By the way I think anyone who can dance and balance on their toes is gifted. It makes my feet hurt just watching them. I do have one question, does a ballet dancer really walk like a duck?

1 comment:

mygame_tennis16 said...

I just saw that play today. It was really good.