Friday, April 27, 2007

Help? Help?

Today for the first half of class we conferenced with each other. I didn't feel comfortable at first because I never really liked to share stuff. However, asking for help is a good thing. You can learn more about your own work from other people. Best of all you learn the truth. Some may think their writing is good others bad. But in other people's eyes they see the writing differently. I knew mine was bad and I intend on revising most of it. When reading others, I can learn things from their writing also. Overall conferencing is a good thing. Although I don't like sharing I can still learn from it.


mellofelloet said...

I feel the same way. I wasnt to sure if my group would like my poem or if they would have understood what my poem was saying or how much my poem means to me.

Eliza101 said...

I agree. My poem was not completely finished and even I did not like it, so naturally why should I expect them to like it. I was shocked to find that they liked it, at least a little.

gobluedevils042 said...

yea I agree I kind of like hearing what other people think good or bad, in the long road its just going to make my paper better.

Erin said...

I also thought it was a bit awkward to share my poem in class. Before, most of my English teachers would let us be creative, but not let us share our stuff. I'm really reserved about my creativity.

cavalierschick said...

You lived in Canada? that's really cool. I think that at times the grading system is not very hard and getting an A is really easy. But then again, sometimes that's just based on what teacher you have.